We are not currently open to walk-in appointments. Appointments can be made by calling us at (810) 714-2020. We are in-network with many vision and medical insurances, and the list is ever-expanding:
If you do not have vision insurance to cover a routine vision exam, medical insurance may help. We perform comprehensive medical eye examinations with pupil dilation. Yearly eye exams for diabetes, screenings for glaucoma, and monitoring of cataracts are just some of the medical eye services we provide. We prescribe treatments for pink-eye, eye injuries, eye allergies, and many others. We do not provide surgical care. If you are ready to have cataracts removed, need surgery for glaucoma, or laser treatment for diabetes, we will refer you to an appropriate surgeon.
Your first visit to McDowell Eye Care will involve filling out the requisite paperwork. These forms are available to download here to fill out prior to your visit, if you prefer.